


Publication and Circulation of Statements.

Section 10 of the CEQ guidelines emphasizes the

importance of preparing and circulating draft
statements "early enough in the agency review
process before an action is taken in order to
permit a meaningful consideration of the environmental issues involved.
The Council has. recently

receivedcomplaints from a number of_agencies,

as well as from-members of the public, that the
minimum. periods established for comment and


advance availability of statements are being

unduly shortened by the delay in actual receipt’
. of the statement.
Confusion appears to have

developed over whether the time periods are to

run from the date _the agency mails the statement, _

ee LR

__=(ox from the @ate,the statement is.xéceived by2-2





<==, accordance:“eith:“10.
0(by-“BEthe CEO“guider
the Council's policy has been to calculate the


time periods from the date the statement is

received at the Council on Environmental Quality.

This date will appear in the Council's weekly

publication in the Federal Register of statements

received during the past week as well as in the




oo. “monthly 102 -Mornitor: In ‘order
fo. avoid:‘future
confusion on this issue, agencies ‘should ensure that
their practices in calculating the minimum time

periods reflect this policy.

In many cases,

of course,

a time lag will still

occur between the date of receipt of a statement
by the Council and the date of receipt by other




agencies or members of the public.
To some
extent, the problems created by this delay can
be avoided by adoption of the early notice
-device described in Recommendation #5, supra:
such a device would enable potential commenting
entities to request direct notification as soon
as the draft statement is available.
In large
measure, though, the problem of providing "timely
public information," see Executive Order 11514,

§2(b), requires agency initiative in publicizing
the fact that a draft statement is available

Select target paragraph3