Again the relevance of this requirement for agency
NEPA procedures is primarily a matter of ensuring
that opposing views are fairly treated and discussed in the process of preparing draft and final

Recommendation #3:

Agencies should make an

effort to discover and discuss all major,

points of view in the draft statement itself.
Where opposing professional views and responsible
opinions have been overlooked in the draft
statement and are brought to the agency's


attention through the commenting process,
the agency should review the positive and

negative environmental effects of the action

r="; . in Tight.of, “those -vViews—and should make Qo 0 tee
ae meaning ful=é the final.Statement =: i=
to the exisienz® of. any_responsible “Opposing? 2
view not adequately discussed in the draft

statement with respect to adverse environ-



mental effects, indicating the agency's
response to the issues raised.
All substantive
comments received on the draft should be
attached to the final statement, whether or
not each=Sucn comment is thoucht to merit individual discussion by the acency in the
text of the statement.
At the same time that

copies are sent to the Council, copies of
final statements, with comments attached,
should also be sent to all entities --

Federal, State and local agencies, private

organizations and individuals -- that made
substantive comments on the draft statement,
thus informing such entities of the agency" s
disposition of their arguments.

Select target paragraph3