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AEC Report -- Mr. Roger Ray
We completed one preliminary survey of Eniwetok this past May.
Briefly stated, if we start with the islands mentioned, Japtan as
being the island of immediate interest and work clockwise, we have
assigned some preliminary categories to these islands. Four around
Japtan are the least contaminated; clockwise around the atoll a
group of islands lightly contaminated; north to ones which are
moderately contaminated and on to Runit which is highly contaminated,
We plan to have a more comprehensive survey late this month or early
next, Five or six weeks will be taken, or maybe a longer period
of time, to really understand what has to be done. We hope to be
able to design a rehabilitation plan, This requires that criteria
be established once more information is gathered. By January 1273
we expect to collect a lot more information but don't expect to
reduce this to policy or criteria perhaps until summer,
We are not certain about marine life contamination.

out if people can fish or live off the marine life.

We need. to find

IIT, General Discussion
One impression that I get is that there is some question as to
whether we will meet the date of 1973 for return of the atoll.
Does return mean people can go back and live there or does return
mean administrative transfer -- return to administration of Trust

Qur public commitment is to return the entire atoll to the administration of the Trust Territory.
What about the difficulty of keeping the Eniwetokese onsome islands.
and off others once they get back on the atoll?
We have had a similar experience in Rongelap where certain areas are
restricted and the people have been careful to stay out of the
restricted area,


310/2.35/ pos

Onthe joint statement by the High Commissioner and the Ambassador -does it indicate that completion of defense activities would: precede
implementation of the rehabilitation activities?

Select target paragraph3