-7both animal and vegetative growth.
some soil manipulation procedures

In the case of at least
(i.e., deep plowing) it

appears possible that the long-term environmental costs of
these procedures would significantly exceed the direct costs
to conduct the procedure.

Alternative C - Cleanup of some areas
This alternative is perhaps the most likely of the three.


criteria for cleanup actions and the environmental consequences of these
actions can be derived by application of the relevant considerations of
Cases A & B to individual areas, islands or groups of islands of the

The desires of the Eniwetok people will have an important in-

fluence on the selection of this alternative.



Additional material to be considered for working in to DEIS:


In order to describe the present condition of the islands it

should be reiterated that (a) NVOO (Nervick) will assist DNA with the
results of the survey plus (b) we (DBER) should add the integrated results
of the biogeochemical study of the atoll which will help evaluate the
ecological health of the whole atoll.

Do we have a responsibility for the cleanup-health survey for

nonradioactive debris such as the Be on Engebi (Irene)?

If so that should

be included in the criteria.
6 Environmental Impacts on -(2) Water Quality - It is possible that nuclear detonations on or
near islands have permanently altered the island surface and subsurface

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Select target paragraph3