Table 1.

List of Reports and Letters Containing Data Included in this Report.

3 July 1974
Letter report from A. H. Seymour to Tommy McCraw (DOS), cc to John-Stewart
(NVOO - ERDA). Results of the y-spectrum analysis of 57 samples from Bikini

and Rongelap in April, 1974.

14 March 1975
Letter of V. A. Nelson to William Robison (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory)
cc to Tommy McCraw (DOS/ERDA), Roger Ray (NVOO/ERDA). Results of analyses
of samples collected at Bikini Atol] in April and December, 1974.
Thirteen tables:
and 5 iron-55.

41 y-spectrom analyses; 34 strontium-90; 34 plutonium;

For Bikini dose assessment study by LLL.
11 July 1975

Letter of V. A. Nelson to Robert Conard (Brookhaven National Laboratory).

Results of the analyses of 36 blood samples collected at Utirik and Rongelap
Atoll in April 1974.
Tron-55 and iron on all 36 samples.

31 July 1975
Letter of V. A. Nelson to Paul Gudiksen (LLL) cc Roger Ray (NVOO/ERDA),
Tommy McCraw (DOS/ERDA). Results of the gamma-spectrum analysis of 64
soil samples collected on Bikini Island in April and December, 1974.
For Bikini dose assessment study by LLL

26 September 1975
Preliminary report, "Radiological Surveillance of Christmas Island,

August, 1975," by A. H. Seymour.

Sent to W. S. Brown, General Manager, Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Development Authority and to Tommy McCraw (DOS/ERDA)
Results of 30 y-spectrum analyses of samples collected on Christmas
Island in August, 1975.
16 June 1976

Oral presentation by V. A. Nelson to Tommy McCraw and Joe Deal (DOS/ERDA).
Results of 404 y-spectrum analyses; 302 90¢). analyses, and 26 Pu analyses

completed on samples collected in the Marshall Islands in 1974 and April,


(31 tables of data were left at DOS)
9 September 1976


Letter from V. A. Nelson to John Stewart (NVOO/ERDA).
Results of 254 y-spectrum analyses and 159 Pu analyses of soil samples

Select target paragraph3