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in the surface soil samples from Wotho.
Ailiginae Atoll
Samples of soil, plants and fish were collected at Ailinginae Atoll in
December, 1974.

All samples were analyzed for gamma; emitting radionuclides

and-selected samples were analyzed for

7¥Sr and 239,240pu.

The results of

these analyses are shown in Appendix Tables 7 ‘soi1), 8 (plants), and 9 (fish).

Six fallout radionuclides, 60¢9, W37c5, W55ey 24. am, Pu, and 30sy were
easily measured in the scil samples from Ailinginae. Maximum values for al]
of these radionuclides were found in surface soil sett#1 from, Ug chuwanen.

These values jn peta of1 bYweight were as abea

155eu (2.$}, 8

(0.9) | 3s (44)

95240py (7.1) and

i this and other

samples 137Cs aa"9 adene the most rbundone radiowuet ides. Values for these
two radionuclides were usually between 1 and 10 pCi/g and their ratio within

a single sample was usually near 1.

The mean value for 239:240py in the five

surface samples analyzed was 3.5 pCi/g.

In the plants from Ailinginae 40x was the most abundant radionuclide

averaging 12 pCi/g,while !37Cs was the fallout radionuclide present in the
highest concentration ranging from 2.9 to 15 pCi/g.

Strontium-90 was the

only other fallout radionuclide which was easily detectable in all the
samples. Values for 90Sr ranged from 1.6 to 7.1 pCi/g of dry weight and
averaged 3.5 pCi/g, dry. Plutonium was not detectable in the single plant
sample analyzed.

Five species of fish from Ajlinginae were analyzed for gamma-emitting

radionuclides and 90Sr.

Naturally occurring

49K was measured in all the

samples Ap concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 10 pCi/g of dry weight. Cesium
137 and
©YCo were the only fallout radionuclides detected in more than 50%

of the samples and all values were less than 0.4 pCi/g.

Strontium-90 values

were Jess than the detection limits (0.1 to 0.8 pCi/g) for the method of

analysis and sample size we used.

Two coconut crabs were collected at Ailinginae.

jevels were almost equal.

Osr values were less than 0.5 pCi.

and 42 pCi/g.

Potassium-40 and 90s).

In the muscle !37Cs values were 12 pCi/g while

The exoskeleton had 90Sr levels of 22

The two edible hepatopancreas samples had 13/cs levels of 3.1

and 12 pCi/g,but 90sr values were 0.3 pCi/g.

Rongerik Atoll
Soil, plants, and fish were collected on and around Eniwetak Island,
Rongerik Atoll, in November 1974. All samples were analyzed for gamma-emitting
radionuclides and selected samples were analyzed for 90Sr and/or Pu. Results
of the analyses are given in Appendix Tables 6 (coconut crabs), 8 (plants),
9 (fish), 10 (soil) and 11 (soil).
Of the seven fallout radionuclides commonly found in the surface soil
samples ! Cs and
7¥Sr were present in the ry sgil concentrations. Cesium-

137 tes 19 ranged from 1.9 to 55 pci/o.of dry Sg , while 2USr values ranged
from 7 to 35 pCi/g., ayean gh2 tues for
Cs and 2 ie were 19+16 and 18+11 pCi/g,
respectively. The '37cs/99sr ratio for ithe surfage samples in Appendix Table
9 was 0.90.3. Plutonium -239, 240, 24lam and
Eu concentrations for these
six samp1§5 averaged 3.9+2.5, , 240, and 1.9+1 pCi/g, respectively. Cobalt

-60 and '25sb values were less than 0.9 pCi/g (dry).


Select target paragraph3