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f vraft letter to Military Liaison Committee:
1. The Comission has determined that data in the attached table
on total strontium-90 produced in U. 5S. nuclear weapons operations will
not reveal weapon design information.
2. However, it would be possible to derive, using an average fission
yield for Sr-90, an approximate_total fission yield for each test operation
in terms of detonationswithtotal energy yields of less than 1 megaton
and those with total. energy yields of greater than 1 megaton.

The total

fission yield for all operations thus derived from the data in the attached
table is approximately 46 megatons.

This is more accurate than the 50

megaton fission yield figure presented in the Joint Committee on Atomic

Energy Hearings of June 5-7, 1957 on "The Nature of Radioactive Fallout and
its Effects on Man", «°
3. The Commission believes that the release of the information on
strontium-70 production in U. S. nuclear detonations as presented in the
attached table will permit a more accurate evaluation by the scientific
public of the radioactive hazards from world-wide fallout on strontium-90.

4. Since the data in the attached table will reveal more accurate
information on the total fission yield of each U. S. nuclear weapons
operation than has previously been published, we would appreciate the
Department of Defense comments and/or concurrence on the possible
publication of this information.

As stated above.

Select target paragraph3