
od} ;


From the data in table 1 (Appendix A) on Sr-90 production and an assumed

average fission yield of Sr-90, it would also be possible to derive an
approximate total fission yield figure for any of the listed operations,
both in termf of weapons with total yields of less 1 megaton and those

with total yields of over 1 megaton.

It would thus be possible to derive

a total fission yield for all U. S. operations through the Redwing

Operation of approximately )6 megatons.

This is more accurate than

the 50 megaton figure given in the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Hearings as the total fission yield of ali U. 5. weapons tested thru


(See Appendix B).
lh. Since the yields of only a few devices in PPG operations subsequent

to Sandstone, have been published or may be declassified and yield information exchanged with the British has been carefully selected to avoid
giving the total energy; yield in any given operation, it would not be
possible to derive fission - fusion ratio information on the thermonuclear
tests in these operations.

Therefore, it is recommended that the data

on Sr-90 production presented in Appendix A be declassified subject to
the following provisions?




(a) That release of additional yield information on tests in the
Operations Ivy, Castel and Redwing (those involving thermonuclear
devices) will be carefully reviewed prior to any exchange or
declassification of such data

(bo) Data on fissionable material used in individual devices after
Crossroads operations is not to be released

(c) Similar information on Sr~90 production for subsequent test

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Select target paragraph3