counting was all due to Shot 9,
of the above.

All results are of the order of one-sixtieth

No reasonable astimate of exposure due to any other shot can

be made unless further information is available on these animals.
Alternatively, the attivity in the thyroid could have been due to an
exposure from an earlier shot.

This appears more likely than a Shot 9 expo-

sure, given the observed pathology in the thyroid and bone marrow of these

For example, a continual ingestion from Shot 2 until death of the

animals on 14 June (with no exposure from other shots), would imply an initial ingestion rate of about 400 pe/day.

This would be consistent with all

the above assumptions if the sheep hed been in a fall-out area where the

gamma dose rate at 3.5 hrs had been about 2 r/nr.

Under these conditions:

a. Total thyroid dose would have been about 32000 rep from 1%
alone and as high as 90000 rep from all I isotopes.

Concentrations in tho bone might have reached 2.5 mo of 1,

880 pe of gr59 ete. for the total animal -- a factor of 9 higher than those
calculated for the Hike - Cedar City case, and a factor of about 540 higher
than the assumption of a Shot 9 exposure to these other animals indicates.

Gut doses of about 10% rep beta might have occurred as well.

These two extremes provide a measure of the range of possible doses.
It appears likely that an exnosure did oecur earlier than Shot 9, but probably not as early as Shot 2,

It can be concluded that radiation damage occurred with the above

doses, although perhaps not in sufficient degree to be a prime cause of

However, the animals were probably weakened enough to succumb to

other causes which would not have been lethal in themselves, and newborn



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