



B, = fea 2,5 x 107 at 365;" ant

R(t) = 265 x 19°(0,0169) = 42p0T4fapy initial uptake
Then from equation 3

De 2528
(Sta? (00987) - 2601és (02352) = 3.48 x 10° +87 & rep
din approximately 100 days.
As a check, let us see how much of this rather high concentration of

activity would remain by t = 106d (March 24 - dune 15).
Qe 25210

0,0205(1 x10") - 0


9 0.06 pe in total

For a 11 gm thyroid, this 1s approxiuately 5.5 x 107? e/g, or
about 5efx? (2,22010/) = 1e2x10” counts per minute. For an average

40% efficient scintillation counter with well, about 5000 opm would be
present due to thia first doge, at the time of counting.

Sinee this is

0.06 yo out of a total of 0.506, ahout 11% of the activity counted would

be due to the Ghot 2 exposure. This would reduce hy 11% the estimates of
i, for Shot 9, hence also the value of q ami thus those of R, ani D for
Shot 2.

A dose of about 3200 rep might then be mre accurate.


it should be noted that on the “high spot" hypothesis the total dose from

shot 2 might be much less as pointed out in ref(1), also that irregular
distribution of activity in the thyroid might alter the dose estinates
based on it.

In the other direction, p may be dloser te 0,30 than 0.2,

ard hence more retention and higher dosages would have cecurred.



Select target paragraph3