
events were chosen because the fallout documentation was adequate to
reasonibly determine the exposure rate-distance curves and the fallout

Their yields ranged from 1 te 92 tons, fallout fractions a

factor of about 3, and tower heights from 25 to 72 feet.

Fallout hodograph

shears ranged from about 2° to 30°, mean wind speeds from 2 to 29 knots,

and initial cloud tops from about 2900 to 9400 feet.

The normalized

exposure rate-distance curves are shown in Figure lywhere

the maximum

separation between any two curves is seen to be a factor of about 2.2 at

one mile downwind, with less separation at all greater distances.
Normalized exposure rate-distance curves for the four excavation experiments,

Jonnnie Boy, Sedan, Teapot Ess, and Danny Boy are shown in Figure 2.


range in totai yield of those detonations was a factor of about 240 and
the range in fallout fraction was a factor of about 13.

Observed wind

speeds, shears, and cloud heights, as expressed in the scaling equations,
also varied considerably.

The separation between the normalized curves is

a factor of about 3 at shorter distances, decreasing with increasing distance

to a factor of about 1.8 at 120 miles downwind.
Only two cases of ventings of underground @tonations designed for complete
containment aré available which are reasonable analogues.

Pike and Pinstripe everits.

Both ventings were of short duration and had

rather similar early-time cloud rises.

Yields, as well as fallout fractions,

differed by about one order of magnitude.





These are the

Shears and mean wind speeds were

The normalized exposure-distance curves for these two events are

shown in Figure 3.

A maximum separation between the two curves is a factor

of about 2.6 at a downwind distance of 80 miles, however, the separation

Select target paragraph3