
Lea = (5X ¥,) to (2,100 1) pei/i


D= (0.1%) to (0.37%) rads”
wrere cy is the open field, external gacmua dose rate one hour following

detonation, expressed in mr/hr.

Current conservative practice is to use

the upper limit of the dose range.
The dose estimated by this technique is reduced by a factor of 5 if dairy

cattle are only consuming contaminated dry feed.

Also, only the fission

yield of .a device is used to estimate the H+l hour gamma exposure rate,
neglecting any induced activity.
Evaluation of -Prediction Techniques
A limited examination of the ability of the fallout scaling technique to
repreduce observed data has been performed on e mumber of cases in three
aifferent categories of events.

The three categories of events include

tower shots, excavation experiments, and ventings of underground detonations
designed for complete containment.

Observed exposure rate or exposure versus

distance curves along the fallout hotlines for the several events in a
given category have been normalized to an arbitrary set of conditions
utilizing the scaling technique.

If each event in a given category is a

reasonable analog of the others in that category and if the parameters in the
scaling equations are known accurately then the normalization should hopefully
result in a tightly grouped set of curves.

Tnree events, Hamilton, Humbolt, and Rio Arriba were chosen from the Hardtack II
Test Series.

Each of the devices was detonated on a wooden tower.


Select target paragraph3