-10is considerably smaller at all other distances.
It aprenrs, from the foregoing examples, that the scaling technique performs
reasonably well for a variety of types of nuclear detonations.


the accuracy of this prediction method, as well as any other fallout

prediction method, depends ultimately on accurate predictions of input

em ee.

Some radiological data are available with which to examine the performance
of the Knapp relationship for both the Pike and Pinstripe events.


downwind distance to the dairies were 85 miles in the cnse of Pike and
63 miles in the case of Pinstripe.

In both instances the dairy cows were

on green feed and the deposition was dry. Fallout data for both events have
been analyzedand dose rate patterns for an H+l hour reference time were
constructed using observed gamma decay rates.


These gamma dose rates at

the locations where radioiodine was observed in cow's milk were used to
determine the peak concentration of I-13] which would be predicted by

means of the Knapp relationship.

The results of this calculation are as



Maxinnm Concentrations (pci/1)


Predicted Rance

174 to 630
3500 to 12,600

. Observed


Application of the upper endof the range results in overestimates by a
factor of 1.5 for Pike and 2.6 for Pinstripe.

Application of the middle

of the range still results in an overestimate by a factor of 1.7 for Pinstripe

but only a 4% underestimate for Pike.

Select target paragraph3