From the Special Procedure Law established for the Atonic Bomb survivors, special
allowance, health management allowance, treatment allowance, medical allowance
and funeral fees are alloted, person wno falls under this category should apply
as follows:

Fund for A-Bomb

Héalth Examina~

Will be issued to A-Bomb victims who received their general
physical examination the following:
* Porson who will be issued:
1) According to the Hiroshima City Health Insurance
provision where the insurance amount was reduced
during the previous year or abolisned.
2) According to the Living Protection Law, a protected person.
3) Person who is admitted in an old. age home.


According to the Emergency Unemployment Law,

an approved


5) Beside the above examples, person who is categorized un-

taxible under the City ordinance for the year including
alli family members,
6) Issuance of ¥500.00 per person for one time.
7) The number of time issued per person per fiscal year is not more
than two (2) times.
Welfare allowance
By action of the A-Bomb, person who became a physical handifor A-Bomb survivors cap.
The amount of damage cateogorized under the physical
of physical handihandicap welfare Law No. 5 as special victims classified
as No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.
* Monthly issuance ¥2,060.00.
* Limited to A-Bomb victim subject person, wife and de~
pendents who each had below ¥29,200,00 deducted from their
previous year income tax.
Additional moncy
over the treatment

Treatment fee for

Under the Special Frocedure Law for persons who are receiv-

ing the treatment allotment but the treatment fee have
exceeded the allotment will be issued as follows:
* Issuing amount when treatment excecds
20 days or more ¥10,000, 00
16-19 days
¥7,500, 00
until 9 days
¥5,000. 00
(Provided when actual cost is below allotment, the actual

amount is issued.)

serious brain

* Issuing amount for treatment over 15 days ¥5,000,00
Below 15 days ¥2,500, 00

damages from
Approved A-Bomb
Survivors funeral

When an approved A-~Bomb victim dies, a sum is issucd to the
person who performs the funeral.
* Per death-person the issih: amount ¥10,900. 00

Dispatch of aid mem- When an A-Bomnb victim cannot conduct his daily living due
ber to A-Bomb Surto phySical and spirtual dameges, dispatch is made to the
vivor's family
A~Bomb families who has difficulties in their daily living:
* The scale of dispatch:
1) Due to physical handicap and illness, when the
victim cannot conduct his daily living and when
no one is available to assist.


Low income bracket family,

cateporized as

3) Assignment, once or more per week,

Select target paragraph3