Senator Olympio T.



May 18, 1973

With regard to the Committee's recommendation to the AEC concerning new
facilities at Ebeye and Majuro for our examinations, it should be stated

that at this time the new examination trailers that have been installed by
the AEC in conjunction with the hospitals on these islands are deemed
adequate for our examinations.

I was most pleased with the excellent speech that you made, Senator Borja,

to the people of Rongelap at the time of our 1973 examinations. [It was
gratifying that you told the people in straightforward manner that according
to the reports of the medical observers, the examinations that we were
carrying out were good for the people, the treatment that we were giving
them was good for them, and that they should cooperate in the future with
the examinations, It is with this spirit of mutual understanding that I would
like to see us carry on with the examinations, knowing that we have the
trust and cooperation of the Marshallese people, as well as the Congress
of Micronesia. I am confident that we can work together for the future

health and welfare of the people.





See hee





rect Re


me ee,

Robert A. Conard, M.D.


High Commissioner, Trust Territory
Director of Health Services, Trust Territory
Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
Director, Div. Biomed, and Environmental Res., AEC
Washington, D.C.
Dr. V.P. Bond, Associate Director, BNL
Dr. E.P. Cronkite, Chairman, Medical Dept., BNL


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