and disfiguration, mental distress, and anguish or suffering-including the fear of returning and staying on Rongelap and Utirik.
In terms of property damage, consideration must be given to temporary
or permanent damage to real property, damages to trees, crops, fish,
etc; loss of use of property (including the atolls of Rongelap and
Utirik), and loss of profits due to loss of use of real or personal

The Committee holds that the United States Government was negligent
and that this negligence resulted in the people being exposed to radioactive fallout and that the fallout was the proximate or sole cause of
the injuries to the people of Rongelap and Utirik and to their proper-~


Furthermore, the Committee notes that additional tests were carried

out after the people were returned and that they were further exposed to
additional radiation which may have aggravated their condition.
The Committee thus recommends the following kinds and amounts of compensation.
For the death of Lekoj Anjain, the Committee recommends that the
amounts of $50,900 be paid each to his real mother and father and that
this money be disposed of in accordance with their wishes.
For those people who have had thyroid operations because of radiationinduced disease, the Committee recommends that the sum of $25,000 each be
paid to the persons affected.
For the people of Utirik who were displaced from their island for three

months, the Committee recommends the payment of $1,000 each as an ‘inconvenience payment" to supplement the amount of $116 offered by the Atomic
Energy Commission.

Select target paragraph3