‘The question which the Committee has considered is what kind and
what amount of compensation can be given to the people which will be
adequate and satisfactory to them, and at the same time will not make
them more dependent upon such outside aid.
like the Japanese receive

Regular monthly payments,

for example, would make the people severely

dependent upon compensation,

On the other hand, some may even argue


that no large lump amount of compensation should be given to the people

for they will not spend it wisely,

After considerable debate and

discussion in which many alternatives were explored, the Committee made
the following conclusions with regard to compensation,

First, fiscal

responsibility--the manner in which the people use such compensation

received--is not a matter of concern for the Committee; furthermore,
placing some sort of restraint or limitation on compensation based upon

the pre-supposition that the money will not beusedwisely is not

During the visits and talks with the people, it was learned

that many of the people no longer had any money left from the original
$10,000--however, it did find persons who said that they still had some
of the money in the bank, which, considering that it was almost 20
years from the original compensation, shows a fair amount of fiscal

In short, what the people do with the money is up to them,

During its investigations, the Committee heard many times that compensation
should be placed in a trust fund,

The Committee has considered this

possibility with the reminder that the Bikini and Eniwetok Trust Funds
have been inadequate, and inadequately managed,
Consequently, the Committee was faced with these aspects, as well as


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