"Sec. 4. A payment made under the provisions of this act
shall be in full settlement and discharge of all claims
against the United States arising out of the thermonuclear
detonation on March 1, 1954."
Despite the finality of the language of the act, the Assistant
Secretary's letter in part, read as follows:


"There is, to date, no evidence of leukemia nor of radiation
Further, whether or not the radiation has had any
life-shortening affects is not apparent. It does appear,

however, that bone development in young children who were affected

by the fallout may have been retarded, and also that there is

a possibility of a somewhat greater incidence of miscarriages and

stillbirths among the exposed women. Neither sufficient time
has elapsed nor sufficient knowledge acquired to permit

positive conclusions to be drawn as to the long-range effect

of the fallout on the Rongelapese.

* Compensation in various forms has been paid to the affected

They have been provided extensive medical care and

treatment, and they continue to receive periodic examinations and


They were, of course, provided housing and subsistence

from the time of their evacuation until their return to Rongelap,
Since their return, in addition to new houses, a school, a church,
a community building, and other facilities, they have been given
new livestock and agricultural aid, as well as subsistence in
decreasing amounts.

Small claims for property losses, such as

clothing and handtools, were paid by the Department of Defense
soon after the event.

These claims were paid in a total amount of $6,869.

“in February 1960 a complaint against the United States was
sent to the high court of the Trust Territory by attorneys for the


The complaint sought $8,500,000 as compensation for

property damage, radiation sickness, burns, physical and mental
agony, loss of consortium, and medical expenses.
suit was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

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