The Joint Committee has jin its files a copy of an unclassified
Department of State Intelligence Report No. 6941, dated May 19, 1955.
This report shows that the United States Government gave $2,000,000 to
the Japanese Government, and, after some 15 consulting sessions among
government agencies, the Japanese Cabinet distributed the money in

various ways.

Most of the money, about 88.6 percent of the total

$2,000,000 went to fishing companies and dealers,

A little more than

ll percent went to the Japanese fishermen on the Lucky Dragon and this
included certain medical payments.

The actual amount of the money that

went directly to the fishermen was about 7.6 percent.

The payments to

the 23 people, which were determined by the Japanese Government, and

not the U.S. government, were as follows.
Family of Mr, Kuboyama ~---~----~------Y 5,500,000 (U.S. $15,2780)

Other 22 fishermen --------~--~--------Y 2,000.000 (U.S. $ 5,555}
Thus it can be seen that the fishermen got the equivalent of $5,000
U.S. while the only exception to this was the *one fisherman who died.
(Mr. Kuboyama) whose family received $15,000 U.S.

The rest of the

money went to fishing firms and others who had lost fish and money because
of the radioactivity from the bomb that fell into the ocean.

The $2,000,000 per person figure might have been gotten from reading
Japanese newspapers which might have

reported the amount to the fishermen

as ¥ 1,800,000 which is close to two million Japanese Yen, however, this
amount is equivalent to only $5,000 at the exchange rate of 360 yen to
one U.S. dollar prevailing only a few years ago.

chore Serre

Select target paragraph3