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Brookhaven because of long delays in AEC action on the Laboratory's

requests for approval to appoint foreign scientists (in most cases

without compensation).
Mr, Nichols said that item h in the premeeting letter suggesting
that the GAC make a technical evaluation of the proposed boiling water



reactor project was-a matter which the Reactor Subcommittee might consid

' At this point Mr. Strauss entered, He firet mentioned the increast
' tendency of industry to participate in the reactor program and indicated
that the Commi ssion proposed to encourage this participation,

He next

turned to the subject of the two Castle test shots, and expressed concer
about the adverse publicity resulting from the fall-out difficulties.

‘The Japanese fishermen were a problem; U.S, Tepresentatives have not bee.

allowed to see then or inspect their boat... | *

Mr. Strauss mentioned that the British had granted us basing

* facilities for monitoring the Woomera tests, and had’asked us for corre
sponding facilities at Castle.

Their request had been granted, and

there was a British intelligence team at Kwajalein.
Dr. Rabi asked whether there was anything for the GAC to consider
in connection with the President's UN proposals.

Mr. Strauss replied

that he hoped for suggestions on how to enlist the support of American
and also foreign scientists.

This session was adjourned at 12:40 p.m,


Select target paragraph3