

appeared seriously to violate security.

(Specifically, it had been stat:

that tritium was no longer required for our thermonuclear weapons.)


GAC deplored this both as a terrible leakof seourity information and as
very damaging to morale in the Commission's laboratories, and wished to _

bring the matter to the Commission's attention,

There was considerable

discussion on this subject, °


Dr. Rabi informed the visitors that the nextmeeting of the GAG"
Dates of

would be on May 27, 28, and 29, and that it would hold a party for the
Commissioners and their principal staff on the agth,. eee

At 11:40 a.m, the visitors left.



Before adjournment, Dr. von Neumann asked it the ‘Weapon Subcommittee

could visit Los Alamos, Sandia, and Livermore about the middle of July.
This was agreed’on, and Dr. von Neumann said he wouldarrange it in

tandem with the trip of the Reactor Subcommittee. (ppend C, item 4)
At 11:45 a.m, this final session was adjourned.=7°2 * 47° -

. Richard W. Dodson


Appendix A -- Schedule
Appendises B and C —

Chairman's Report



Select target paragraph3