‘Dr, Reichardt left at 2:10 p.m., and the meetingcontinued in
executive session,
“The Committee returned briefly to the question whether Brookhaven
should be devoted entirely to unclassified work.

It was agreed that

Unclas- there was no basis for a formal comment by the GAC at this time. It was
generally felt that the suggested move was undesirable, both from, the

Coumission's point of view and from that of the Laboratory. If the - |

question were to be considered further, the Committee would Like.to, have
a document, e.g, staff paper, in which the proposal was analyzed, Xnowledge of the attitude of the Laboratory would be an important element in

any further considerations,


At 2:15 p.m, Dr. Libby returned.



The next subject considered was the use of the Nevada Proving



All agreed that the continued use of the proving ground was

essential to the weapon program,

Continuation of the test program was

imperative, otherwise progress would be stopped in important lines of |
weapon development,

The recommendations of the NPG Committee were felt

to be sound in general, but with the specific exception of the one which
recommended limitation of the number of shots in any 12-month period to

Select target paragraph3