
oe en EaowSo gree
ote 5

After s¢ ome further discussion in which Dr. Libby again voiced his
caveat ageinst barge shots,’ this. part of the session was concluded,

At 11:35 aim. Dr. Frahk Pittman met vith the Corimittes to discuss

production requirenents

tion |


ahd the effect of the iest results on these


All nenber's of ile Committee, the Secretary and Mr, Tomei

were present.

Dr. Mark, Dr. Froman, and Dr, Fine also remained,

Dr. Pittman reported that the new requirement for tritium was, at
most, half of the previous requirsment.


Hence it will not be necessary

to enrich all of the Savannah River reactors, or as many at Hanford as


Another 30-10% reduction in the requirement would make it un-

necessary to use any enriched loadings at Savannah River,

Dr. Pittman

also said that if no tritiun were required for thermonuclear weapons,

some enrichment would be required at Savannah River‘up to 1956, but none


Dr. Pittman mentioned a probable change in the manner of specifying
plutonium quality.


g/T vs

It was proposed to state the specification in terms

of the number of neutrons enitted per gram per second rather than in

terms of g/t (grams of plutonium per ton of uranium).

The definition of

high quality plutonium would be 20 n/g-sec rather than, PEARCEIVES
It was planned to fulfil the plutonium requirements by a balanced

production schedule at two levels ; 20 n/g-sec for high quality naterial,


Schedule and 80 n/g-sec for standard material.


The latter level corresponds to



Select target paragraph3