present level of research effort.

The net reduction would be increased

still further due to the effect of the new large facilities such as the
bevatron and other accelerators and the ANL research reactor, whose .
operating expenses must be provided,


It was not yet known exactly where the cut would be applied, however



its effect would certainly be serious, Dr, Johnson noted that Navy longe
ity funds are now being used in financing the ABC-ONR Joint Program, | He

also mentioned that it was considered urgent to initiate new projects in
' corrosion research and in chemistry bearing on the separation of the plutonium isotopes; hence the cut would be felt in other work new going on.

This situation was deplored, It was felt thatthe GAC could be of
assistance if it provided a brief but strong statement urging restoration
of the research budget, which could be used in the Senate budget hearing
for april 7.

(Such a statement was phrased lster“in the‘nesting, )


was considerable atscusston of the unfortunate Language of the House repo:
referring|to "fringet projects.

Dr. Johnson “and’D
Dr. Sayth indicated that

they proposed to deny that the Commission's basic research had this

Mr. Murphree » however, ‘cautioned that ‘this ‘would be an avkwarx

position to take,

He felt it would be better to defend the research

program as carefully considered and well balanced and to maintain the



essentiality of research of a " so-called "fringe™ character ‘because of the
unforeseeable useful developnents which may come out. of eush research,

Dr. Buckley said that fundanental research shouldnot go "down while the
total effort goes up; it is good practice to maintain a rough proportim
between research and the total effort, Several favored the use of specifi
exacples of tangible developments from basic research,

Dr. Warner and


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