pbcoxs BESSTON

(Waren 31, 1954)
The Committes: met in executive session at 1:40 Pete All members,
the Seorctaly,,and Mr. Tomei were presents|


Dr. Rabi explained that it had been found desirable to postpone *

the AG's party for the Commissioners and senior AEG staff,


be appropriateto hold it at the time of the next meeting.

of Next

It wouldThe dates

Meeting | ‘of the next meeting were. fixed as May 27, 28, ‘end 29, 195h3 and it was

decided to hold the party.on Friday evening, May 28, It was noted that
Dr. Libby and the Secretary could not be present at the next meeting,


At 1:55 p.m. Dr. T.i Johnson and Dr. Suyth net with the Committee
Dr. Johnson first reported on the situation of the Research
Division's budget,

The January budget submission had Tequested $42

million for FYD93 this had been out by the House Appropriations Committe
_to $38. 9 million, The HouseComittes'’s report,used ‘the following

"The Committee dose‘not intend to hamper
any productive

research project as research is one of the most importantfacets of the

atomic energy program.


There are ? however, always fringe items which

research scientists would like to investigate which have a comparatively
slight possibility of producinguseful results,

This is the type of

project that should be eliminated in order to accomplish the budget




Although this year's budget is also $38.9 million, the actual
present rate of expenditure corresponds to €40.8 million per year,


the $38.9 million figure for FY55 would necessitate a reduction of the

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Select target paragraph3