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with nodularity and 2 with atrophy of the gland associated with hypothyroidism.
Of 19 children exposed at less than 10 years of age (receiving doses of
700-1400 rad to the thyroid), 17 have developed thyroid abnormalities.
. Surgical exploration or thyroidectomy, partial to complete, in 18 Rongelap
patients has revealed benign adenomatous nodules in 17 cases and malignant
lesions in 3 cases.
In addition one Utirik woman operated on during the
past year had a thyroid malignancy, but the association with radiation
exposure in this case seems unlikely in view of the low dose of radiation
received by this population. Growth retardation noted in some Rongelap
children has been correlated with hypothyroid tendency due to thyroid
lesions and some of these children appear to be responding favorably
to thyroid hormone treatment.
The maintenance of a strict thyroid hormone treatment schedule in
the exposed Rongelap people, particularly those who have had thyroid
surgery,is extremely important. Some of these people will become
‘hypothyroid if they do not take their treatment properly. We have encountered serious difficulties in maintaining this treatment schedule
in the people.

We are also concerned about generally unsatisfactory

medical care of the exposed Rongelap people during the interval between
the surveys. These topics will be the subject of further communication.
During the survey thyroid examinations were carried out on several
unexposed Marshallese populations (at Rongelap, Utirik, Likiep, and
Kwajalein Atolls). Such "street surveys" were made by our proceeding
from one end of the village to the other feeling necks and recording


The village magistrates were most helpful and the people

good naturedly agreed to the examinations even at Likiep village where
we had never been before. These data are being analyzed and will
afford valuable statistical information (which is almost entirely
lacking) on the general incidence of thyroid diseases in Marshallese
We will then be in a better position to place the radiation-

induced thyroid abnormalities in the Rongelapese in better perspective.

During hematological examinations samples of red blood cells were
collected on Rongelap people for 55Fe analysis which will be done for
us at University of Washington.


Robert A. Conard, M.D.
Senior Scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory



Select target paragraph3