A typical deterministic fallout-prediction system is based upon a
forecast of climatological winds and a postulated (or calculated) initial
distribution of radioactivity on particles of various sizes located at
various positions within a radioactive cloud.” The amount and kinds
of radioactivity postulated depend on the yield of the nuclear explosion,

its fission-fusion ratio, the type of fissionable material used, and
the kinds of induced activities produced. The height and other
dimensions of the cloud depend on the yield and on ambient atmospheric
conditions, particularly on the variation of temperature and relative
humidity above the ground. During their fall the radioactive particles
move laterally under the influence of the wind field.
If the above
factors are properly accounted for, one can predict levels of deposition
of radioactivity on the ground, from which radiation exposure rates can

be derived.

DCPA and hence this paper is concerned primarily with

surface and near-surface bursts.
Possibly important perturbations,
which will be taken up later, are small changes in the height of burst
(Chapter 2), the chemical and physical properties of the soil or
other substrate over which the explosion takes place (Chapter 3), and
the influence of adjacent, nearly simultaneous bursts (Chapter 8).

A central problem in fallout prediction is that of relating radiation
exposure rates at various locations to the yield of the detonation
that produced the fallout. Sophisticated models can, at least in
principle,rigorously compute this relation nuclide by nuclide for each
point on the ground, subject to the accuracy of the fission-product
data base, the assumed relation between radioactivity and particle
size, and available wind and weather information. Simpler models,
however, predict only the gross deposition of mixed-fission products.
Any model implies, and one of the models used by DCPA explicitly uses,
an empirical factor called the K-factor* to relate deposition to

radiation intensity.
In the literature, this term has referred to
at least two different but related things: (1) the ratio of exposure
rate measured at a particular place in the fallout field to the
density of deposition of radioactivity there; and (2) an integrated,

weighted average of this ratio over the "local" fallout field. The
confusion caused by the various uses of the concept has been well
reviewed by Rapp? and Cane.3 The customary unit for K-factors is
R/hr per kt/mi* at H + 1 hour. Since this is a rather unwieldy
unit, we shall not repeat it hereafter.

An idealized limit of the K-factor corresponds to unfractionated
fission products uniformly spread over a smooth ideal plane, and measured
with an ideal detector 3 feet above the plane. This limit, here called

Ko, varies depending on what particular fission process is being


According to Tompkins ,4 Ko = 3067 for U-235 fissioned by













*Also called the Normalization Factor, the Magic Number, and the Exposure
Rate Conversion Factor.

Select target paragraph3