A further discussion on the problems emanating from Operation
Sunshine was hcld at this meeting.
Mr. Harold Knapp of the Office cf Operations Analysis and Planning
opencd the discussion by explaining that his office is directly responsi.
ble for assisting the General Manager in evaluating existing and proposed
technical programs taking into account their cconomic aspects, their
policy implications and their probable effects on other AEC activities
and for analyzing and coordinating long range plans especially on those
matters involving more than one organizaticn or cone unit of the AEC.
Dr, Claus reviewed the previous data that had been presented at

the March meeting of the ACBM held in Idaho Falls.

He presented for

study two statcments that he had prepared concerning the problem entitled "Reconsideretion of Objectives of Project Sunshine" and
1Prospeetus on Project Sunshine."

Each individual paragraph was analyzed.

Mr. Eisenbud presented several graphs which depicted the data
obtained from fallout samples throughout the world,

He stated that

the NYOO had calculated the amount of gamma emission over the lifetime
of the debris.
Dr. Bugher pointed out that "any mattcr that affects national


Select target paragraph3