The next meeting is to be held in October and at that time

Dr, Warren believes that there will be pressure for the establishment
of regional laboratories where measurements, comparison of standards

and so on can be carried out.

He stated that long range studics of

areas of widely different natural background were considered very
Dr. Warren emphasized and Dr, Failla concurred that it has becn
established firmly that the International Commission on Radiation

Protection has its specific job to do while the responsibilities of
the UN Scientific Committee are entirely separato,
in this connection Dr. Faille

said that the most important

problem is "not to undermine the authority of the ICRP, because there
is always danger that the UN Committec might become a political agency

whereas the other definitely is not, and is not likely to become such,"
Dr. Dunham inquired of Dr. Warren what kind of material he would
like to receive from the Division of Biology and Medicinc?
Dr. Warren replied that any of the fallout data as it comes from
the shots would be helpful.

He also suggested that when the genetics

report is received from the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission that it be
sent as a submission to the United Nations as a release from the
National Academy of Scicnces,


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