Status Report Operation Redwing

Mr, Corsbie having just returned from

the Pacific opened the discussion on Project Redwing.
Dr. Boss reported on the current activities in the test series by
reviewing the marine surveys.
Mr. Eisenbud stated that plans are being made for the long range
survey of the Pacific,

This will consist of utilizing the naval

vesscls which in the normal course of events are traversing the Pacific.

Arrangements have been made with the Navy Department to provide ships

that are destincd for certain parts of the Pacific to take on foot
lockers of polyethylenc bottles and for them to take samples of water

and to ship them to the NYOO for analyses.

It is anticipated that

this survey will cover a period of months.
United Nations Scientific
Committee on Radiation

Dr, Warren in his capacity as United State:
Representative to the United Nations

Scientific Committee on Radiation reported on the activitics of its

first meeting held in April, 1956.

He felt strongly that the most

important phase of this first meeting was to sct up arrangements by
which information could be received and distributed to the member
countries and organizations of the United Nations.

There was gencral

agreement finally that all of the matcrial turned in should be made
available to all countrics.


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