APPENDIX A (Cont!3.)
for the past ninc years have been carricc cut in a most efficient and

cffective manner by Mrs. Frances Montgomery, assistant to the Division

of Biolcsy and Medicine.

After carcful considcraticn we do net fecl

that the two functions would at all be in conflict but rather woulc
complement onc another.

The Committee was Uxtremely intcrested in Dr, Dunham's rcport of the
plens for th. seicntifie an! opcrationel program of the Division of
Biclogy and Medicine in the coming fiscel ycar.,

We notcd with approval

plans to cxpand rescarch studies in occanograephy, mctcorology and marine
biclesy. 4 vigorous program in these arces is cssential, we believe, to
the safc conluct of weapons tests and to the intcllicent expansion cf the
atomie cnergy industry throughout the worls. In this lattcr connection
it occurs to us that studics in such disciplines as cecancgrephy, motcorology, and marine biology ultimately might be undcrtaken by the propcesec
Intcrnational Ltcmic Energy Lgoney. These are fields in which most of
the nations of thc world have a common interest; thus a joint undertaking
by the propose? TAED would not only appear feasible but woulc serve to
attract to that arcney the scientific talent which will be necessary to
carry cut its control and inspection functicns.
Meanwhile, thcse studics
must bv carrice out mainly by tho AEC. We were encouraged by Mr. Tammaro} .
assurances that every effort woul’ be made to provide adcquate funcs anc
sufficicnt personncl tc cerry thesc programs forward,
We reerettcd very moch that the tim had come to say farcwcell to Dr. Deis;
whese torm o” serviee on the Committee enlcc on dJunc 30.

On behalf of

the Committee, I thanked Dr, Doisy for nis wise counsel and muicaance ove:
toe period of six ycars,
The next mecting of th. Advisory Committce is scheduled toe be hcla in

Washington, D. C., cn Friday and Saturday, September 21 and 22, 1956,
Sincercly yours,

G. Failla
GF :krj

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