
also is of the opinion that herc is an opportunity for a useful genotic

stucy of the effects of radiation on these people.

We fcel that such a

stucy mey be as valuable if not more sc than the data from the Hiroshima

and Nagesaki studies, and is not inconsistent with the intercst of the ©
Unite: States in the wcll being of these friendly peoples. We recommen:
that such a study be undertaken,

Dr. Roy Albert, Chief, Medical Branch of the Division, reported to us or

his recent visit to the uranium mines in South Africa. The purpose of
the visit was to explore the possibility of obtaining data cn the expesure of miners tc radon and its daughter products. From the prelimine>,
data cbtainccd, the Committec belicves that it would be useful for the iL
to follow up on the contacts made by Dr, Albert. There appears to be a
real possibility of expanding our knowlccee cf the effects of leng-tern,
low-level cxposurcs.
The Ldvisory Committce has had under considcration for a number of months
the establishment of e Sceretariat tc the Committee and the appointment
of a Seicntific Secrotarn.
We have preec coded cauticusly with the idca,

not wishing to add to the expenses of the Committce nor to formalize
unnceecssarily th. rclationship cf the Committee to the Commission and to
the Division of Biology and Medicine, ft the last mcting the matter
again was consiccredc and the consensus was that a Scicntific Secretary

coule maturially assist the Committees, casc the burdcun on the staff of
the Division of Biology and Mcdicine and cxpccite th. preparation and
transmission of minutcs and rcports to the Gommission, One of the morc

cegcnt reasons advanced in support of the need for a Scientific Scerectary

is that such an appointment would rclicve thc Division cf Biclogy and
Medicine from the anomalous position of serving as staff to the Committee
and staff to the Commission. Wc do not think it is advisablc for Division
personncl] te assist in the preparation cf Committcc comments to the
Commissicn and Commission comments to the Ccmmittce.
If the Commissicn approves our request, the Committce would prepcsc to

offer the appointment of Scicntific Sceretery to Mr. Hanson Blatz of the
New York Health and Safety Laberatcry. Not only do we fecl that Mr.
Blatz is technically competent to carry cut thc. assignment but his availaoility in New York would be a conv. nicnesc to me as Chairman of the
Committec for the coming ycar. In vicw of impcrtant and substantial
respunsibilitics of Mr. Blatz as Chicf of thc Radiation Branch, Health
and Safcty Labcratory, and his rolc in assisting thc Division of Civilian
‘pplicaticns in tre formlation cf hcalth and safety regulations, we do
not fecl we shoul« also impcse on him the manifold administrative Jutics
connected with Committee busincss. These aiministrative dutics now and
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