fhugust 7, 1956
Mr, Lewis L, Strauss
U.S. itomic Energy Commissicn

1901 Constitution .vcnue, NW.

wWeshingten, D. C.
Dear Mr. Strauss:

The minutes cf the last mectin> of the Advisory Committce for Biology
and Mcdicinc held May 26 and 27, contain in detail thc subjects discussed ana decisions reached. There ere, however, several points which
were particularly si;nificant and which wo feel should be repertce to
the Commission.
Dr, Warrcn in his capacity as United States Represcntative to the Unitcd
Nations Scientific Committee on Radiation reported cn the activitics of
the first meeting of the Committee held in April 1956. According to Dr.
Warren, the most important result of this mecting was the establishment
of preliminary arrangoments by which pertinent reports could be received
and Cistributed tc the member countries of the United Nations, The next
meeting is to be held in Cctober and at that time, Dr. Warren bclicves
thought will be civen to the establishment of regional laboratories whcr
measurements anc comparison of standards can be macc.
The fidvisory Committee has devotec many hours of scrious ciscussion during
the past ycar to Project Sunshinc. We regard this as one of the most
important responsibilities of the Commission, Accordinsly, we were only
too happy to revicw the subject cnce again at the instance of Commissionc.

Murray. £t the mceting, and based on the discussions there, I offered an
fully intended to collaborate with Mr. Fiscnbud in the preparation of a
status report on Project Sunshine for submission to the Commission on

behalf of the Comnittce.

Due to my illness, however, wc have not been

able to adhere to the schedule as set for ourselves. If all goes well,
Mr. Eisenbud and I hope to have completed the report beforc the middic
of September,

The Committee was most interested in Dr, Dunham's recent report to Dr,
Libby dated April 19, 1956, concerning the "Evaluation of Environmental
Contamination of Rongelap Atoll." We understand that it is planned to
enable the return of the Rongelap people to their atoll soon after
Operation Redwing. This is subject, wc understand, to a resurvcy of the
radiation levels on anc about the atoll. The Committee hopes that
conditions will pcrmit an early accomplishment of this plan. The Committe

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