er 2

Dr. Failla svid that he wanted to express the fceling of the
_Committee at the terrific loss that they were going to have when

Dr. Doisy was no longer with them to delibcrate over questions,
Dr. Failla stated further that the Committce appreciated his juagment
and frankness and reasonablencss in his discussions on important
Dr. Doisy replicd by thanking Dr, Dunham and Dr, Failla for their
kind remarks and he expressed a desire to have each and everyone visit
poth feand his family in Saint Louis.
Exccutive Session

The problems associated with Project Sunshine were

again reviewe: in the light of Mr. Murray's request.
after a full. deliberation, it was determined by the Committce thet
the Chairman with the assistance of Mr. Eisenbud should correlate the
materiel and prepare a status report on Project Sunshine and circulate
the report to the Committec mombers for their perusal and concurrence
befcre submission to Mr. Murray.
Scientific Scerctary

Upon the recommencation of the Assistant Gencral

Manager for Rescarch anu Development in his memorandum to Mr. RW, Cook

dated February 29, 1955, there has been established the position of a2
scientific secretary for the ACB’,

The committee considered several


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