cena Aer


Dr. Failla mentioned however, that it misht be worthwhile to
provide the Biological Station in Naples with some apperatus and let
it be known that this cquipment came from the United States.

He said

that they do lack trained personnel.
Dr. Shilling stated that it is being contemplated that a conference
be hcld in Italy on the use of radicisctopes in marinc biology as a
sort of a stimulus to bringinzs Puropeen scicntists into that center,
and advertise the fact that this centcr was something that america is

particularly interested in.
In connection with the question of X-ray studies, Dr, Failla remarked that Italy would be a very geou place to investigate whet has
happenca to radiologists and tcchnicians because they know practically
nothing about protection,

"The way some of these people work cxposed

to radiation was really shocking."
Retirementof Dr, Doisy
eae a oe ee

on dune 30,

Dr. Dunham notec that Dr, Doisy would be
leaving the membership of the Committee

He said it had been a tremendous privilege for the staff

to meet with Dr, Doisy regularly the past six years and that he wanted
to thank him for his wise counsel and guidance and for the inspiraticn
he hal given to all of the staff to do a better gob,


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