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much easier to change upward than it is to change down, and that he
couldntt see any major operating difficulties for the next two or three

By that time we ought to have had a considerable advancc in our

knowledge of the mammalian genetic ficli, ana a good idea as to whether
we are on the right track or not,

Dr, Glass pointed out thet "the recommendations are on the basis
of what seems to be practicable, not on the basis of what radiation is
considered to be genetically harmless,

There is no such amount of

All geneticists, I am surc, pretty well agree on this."

Dr, Failla said that the Committce is lowering the Limit because
they feel that the former limit didn't have enough of a factor of safets

and present accumalatcd information indicated that the present limit is
too high.

He stated also, that the International Commission is going

to recommend a dose for the gencral population which is going to be
l0Or accumulated up to age 30,
Upon the conclusion of this discussion, Dr, Failla gave a few remarks on his recent visit to some of the laboratories in Italy.

Laboratories inItaly

Dr. Failla told of his recent visit to some of

the laboratories in Italy.

He discovered that they are not so poorly

equipped in the way of apparatus,
~ 28 -


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