A full discussion was held.

Dr. Warren brought cut that we arc coing extensive training cf people
from foreign schecls in a much more clabcrate fashicn anc at a much great:

er per individual ecst.

"I think that we certainly cught to uc a fracticn

as much for cur own people as we .lo for Egyptians an’ Thailancers and sc
Further discussion was held on the cost of such a prcgram.

The Committec mcmbers expresse.i their views on the valuc of such a
training program and without making a formal recommendation, they in-

dividually suggested that the program should be initiated.
Cobalt Units

In connection with the Atems-fcr-Peaco-Prozranm.,
Dr, Emerson said that it had been suggested

that some cobalt sources be made availeble to scicntists in foreign


One ci the aspects that hc cmphasizcc was the potential use

of gamme fielcas fcr plant breeding studics.

Dr. Emerson stated that the

present status is that six gamma scurces arc now being manufactured,
uncer design and the contracts let through Brookhaven and it is anticipated that the ‘tclivery datc will be in July.

It has not been determined

which countrics will receive the Ccbalt Units for use in research in
pliant breeding studics.

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