Dr. Bugher thought that it would be unfortunate to contemplate any
_agreoment which would have two dircctors,
be only one circctor of a project.

He said "I think there can

Wo might have a deputy to work with

him in what ever division cf duty which might secm to be reasonable or

But one person mst carry the responsibility fur discharging

the requirements of the prorram."
Dr. Warren indicated that he woulec certainly agree strongly with
that statement and particularly in an cverseas operation,
Dr. Failla belicved that the civisinn cf authcrity is not a work-.
able soluticn to the problem,

He said that "you have to have one in-

Civicual whe is responsible for the administration of the project."
Dr. Glass stated that he appreciated Dr, Bronk!s feeling about
the reaction that the transfer of the ABCC to scme other contractor

would have on the Academy.

He pointec out that "it makes me feel very

uneasy because tc say that he secs a great challenre here does not
excuse the fect that the challenge has been there all the time, and
the situation was desperate.

I feel uneasy because this amounts to

saying really, we will give you cne merce chance.

It may very well

be that fiving this cne mere chance will mean the final disintegraticn
of the program,

This is a chance we have tc takc, but I feel uncasy."


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