interviews with a responsible member of the field staff has in my
opinicn been a source of a great amount cf dissatisfaction develcp_ing after new staff has arrived in Japan. This sort of dual cirectcrship has tc: the best of my knowledge worked very well at the National
Institutes of Health,

Re-crientation of the respcnsibilities cf the Committee on Atomic


It was agreed that the CAC, as reconstituted, in relation

to the new status of the Washington ABCC staff should concern itself
with advising and evaluating re the scope and oricntatiocn cf the
Scientific prorran,

You will reeall that we discusscd the question of the desirability cf
having some opcrating contractor for the ABCC other than the National
icademy cf Scienecs. It was agreed to drop this idea for the time
being inasmuch as the NAS would immediately undertake to implement the
measurcs cutlined above,
Finally, you were given assurances that the AEC would do everything
within its power to assure continuity of adcquate finaneial support
consistent with the needs of the ABCC to accomplish its primary mission.
Sincerely yours,

Charles L, Dunham, M.D.

Division of Biology and Medicine"
Dr. DTvnham discussed each separate item in the letter and he saic

that he intended tc keep in touch with Dr. Bronk regularly regarding its

Further discussion ensued,

~ 18 -


Select target paragraph3