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During our discussion certain steps were mitually agreed upon which
in our opinion will materially strengthen the operation of ABCC. The
three most important for immediate action are?

The appointment of a full-time top level person reporting directly

to tne President cf the Academy to handle all matters concerning the
ABCC seemed to be of prime importance. This individual would have to
have stature sufficient to assure the cooperation and assistance of all
the Division of the NRC-NAS organization.

He would have to be provided

acequate staff. He should develop complete rapport with the Director
of the ABCC staff in Japan and as a part of his responsibilities would
visit the ABCC twe or three times a year. He would be expected to
maintain liaison with universities, associations of universities such
as AUT and OPINS, major AEC radiobiological laboratories and appropriate
schools of public health, preventive medicine and the like, as well as
laboratories of the USPHS and various departments of the Department of
Defense for the purpose of planning for an uninterrupted supply of
competent personnel to the project in such a way that persons employed

in Japan will be relieved of worries concerning their status on return
to this country.
He would plan a 3-months orientation period for all
scientists prior to their departure for Japan so they would have adequate

grounding in radiation biology and become familiar with current experi~
mental work going on in this field and where appropriate a similar
orientation in epidemiolory. The former could be accomplished by arrang<
ments with such laboratories as the Argonne National Laboratory, the

Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, the ORNL, and the BNL.

¢. The establishment of an additional top-level position in Japan.
in this connection, it was agreed that the responsibilities vested
in the position of Director were too much for one man.

The best

solution to this problem seemed to be that there should be a director
or an administrative director who among other things would be responsible
for public relations with the Japanese which appear to be almost a fulltime job in themselves,
In addition, there should be a scientific
Director or Deputy Director for Research who would coordinate the research program anc by relatively frequent visits to the States assist

the Western Office of the Academy in its responsibilities as to
procurement of personnel, liaison with laboratories, medical shcools,
and the like. This would be a particularly important part ol his
activities, for in the past recruitment for ABCC without personal

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