will be placed into effect.
& report will be made availablc on the new preecdure at a
subsequcnt mecting.
Status Report ~ ABCC

Dr, Dunham led the discussion cn the ABCC.


roferred to the Resolution made by the Committee at the mecting held
in Idecho Fails and which was forwarded by the Chairmen cof the ACBM to
the Chairman of the AEC,

Dr, Dunham said that the Resolution was discucs<

with the Gencral Manager and the Chairman,
Dr. Bronk was considered at that mecting.

A draft letter addressed to
It was detcrmined that no

letter should be sent to Dr. Bronk but that e conference shculd be
arranged to talk ovcr the matual preblecms,.
Dr. Dunhem mentioned his discussion with Dr. Heyworth, Director
of the Brookhaven National Laboratory concerning the possibilities of

having the Asscciated Universities, Inc., take over the administration
of the ABCC.

Dr. Dunham stated that Dr, Hayworth had said that the

Executive Committee cf the AUI would not consider taking over the ABCC
unless it was with the wholehearted blessing cf the Academy cr at least
the Academy was willing that this be ccne,


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