the standpoint of biology and medicine."
Mr. Tammaro remarked that "I think that is a very gocd point."

Dr. Glass commented that "there was one item in the final conclusions
of this Committec report from the genetics panel of the NAS Committec,
on which there was never any question cf disagreement."

That is "that

we were all strongly convinecd that the amount cf money going intc biclogical and medical research, and in particularly as far as thet Committee is conecrned, genetic rescarch is very badly cut cf balance with

the amount going into the physical aspects of atomic energy programs."
Mr, Tammaro agreed that the Division had been very conservative
over the years in their budget estimates and in view of the importance
of the biclogical and medical programs he was of the opinion that
additional funds should be requested of the Commissicn.

He indicated

that he would be pleased to take this matter up with the General Manager,
Research Program

Dr. Shilling led an interesting discussicn on the

overall research program.

He spoke cf the responsibility of the Division

in selecting areas of research and particularly mentioned the strontium?0
program, the ecology program, and the cceanography program.



He said

Select target paragraph3