Minimum number of
samples per month

Population serbca:

to 360,000. 2-2 eee eee
to 410.000... 22 ween



to SO0000_. 2-2-2220 eee 210
to §50,000...---.------------ 220


ta G6O.O00. 2.2L
~.-. 240
to 720.000. _.--2. 2.2
---- 250
to 780,000... -.-....----.----- 260


to 970.000__....-_----_-..----- 290



410.001 to 150,000... .2. 222 eee 200

550,001 ta GOO.000_. owe. eee 230

780,000 ta 840,000__...-_-..--...----- 270
840,001 to 910.000... 2.2 eee 280



to 1,250,000. .-.-....22------- ae
to 1,320,000_._...--.-----.-.---


to 1,520,000_...


to 2,270,000_.
to 2,510.000__

1,320,001 to 1,420,000...


2,510,001 to 2,750,000_.
2,750,001 to 3,020,000_0-..-----__--.-.+- 440
3,020,001 to 3,320,000_.
---- 450
3,320,001 to 3,620,000__
-+-- 460
3,620,001 to 3,960,000_._--__.---._--.-_- 470
3,960,001 to 4,310,000_____..-- 2-1-8. 480

4,310,001 to 4,690,000_.... 022 -02--22- 490
wii ienee einen ne 500

(c) (1) Whenthe coliform colonies ina
single standard sample exceed four per


(§ 141.15(a)(1)),


samples shall be coNected and examined
from the same sampling point until the
results obtained from at least two consecutive samples showless than one coli-

six years following the effective date of
this subpart. Tnese analyses shall be repeated at five-year intervals.
(b) If the supplier of water determines
or has been informed by the State that
the Ievel of any contaminant is 75 percent or more of the maximum contam-

as prescribed in § 141.31. Also, if the
non-compliance is confirmed, a sample.
for coliform analysis must be immediately collected from that sampling point
and the results of such analysis reported
to tha Blatta.

1,050,001 to 1,140.000__


‘tion, the supplicr of water shall report * shall be completed within two years fol‘lowing: the effective date of this subpart.
as directed in § 141.32¢n),
This analysis shall be repcatcd at three(1) When a particular sampling point
has been shown to be in non-compliance year intervals.
(3) Analyses for public water systems
with the requirements of § 141.16, water
from that location shall be retested other than community water systems,
wiltiin one hour. If the non-compliance whether supplicd by surface or ground
is confirmed, the State shall be notified water sources, shall be compicted within








samples shall be analyzed in accordance







presence and quantity of that contami-

with the recommendation set forth In
“Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater,” American
Public Health Association, 13th Edition,
pp 660-662. Samples taken for the pur-

nant at least once per month folowins

the initial analysis or information. If,
after conducting monthly testing for a
period of at least one year, the supplicr
of water demonstrates to the satisfaction
pose of plate count analysis shall be collected at points which are representative: of the State that the level of such contaminant is stable and duc to a natural
of conditions within the distribution system at a frequency at least equal to 10 é condition of the water source, he may repercent of the frequency for coliform an- - duce the frequency of analysis for that
alysis as direcled in paragraph (b) of contaminant consistent with the requirethis section with the exception that at ments of paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) If the supplier of water determines
least one sample shall be collected and :
’ or has been informed by the State that
A .
.. a eee
the level of any contaminant listed in
§ 141.22 Turbidity sampling and ana§ 141.11 exceeds the maximum contamlytical requirenients.
inant level for the substance, he shall
(a) Samples shall be taken at a repre- confirm such determination or information by repeating the analysis within 24
sentative entry point(s) to the water
hours following the initial analysis or indistribution system at least’ once per

(at least once per month for sup-

plies using water obtained from under-

ground sources) for the purpose of making turbidity measurements to determine

form per 100 milliliters.
(2) When organisms of the coliform compliance with § 141.14. The measuregroup occur in three or more 10 mi por- ment shall be made in accordance
tions of a single standard sample with the recommendations set forth in
(§ 141.15(a) (2) (i)), daily samples shall “Standard Methods for the Examination
be collected and examined from the same of Water and .Wastewater,” American
sampling point until the results obtained Public Health Association, 13th Edition,
from at least two consecutive sampics ‘pp. 350-353 (Nephelometric Method).
shownopositive tubes,
(b) In the event that such measure(3) When organisms of the coliform ment indicates that the maximum allowgroup occur in all five of the 100 ml por- able limit has been exceeded, the samtions of a single standard sample pling and measurement shall be repeated
(§ 141.15(a) (2) (ii) ), daily samples shall within one hour. The results of the two
be collected and examined from the same measurements shall be averaged, and if
. sampling point until the results obtained the average confirms that the maximum
from at least two consecutive samples allowable limit has been exceeded, this
averare shall be reported as directed in
showno positive tubes.
(4) The location at which the check § 141.31. If the monthly average of all
sample was taken pursuant to para- samples exceeds the maximum allowable
graphs (c) (1), (2) or (3) of this section limit, this fact shall be reported as dimust not be eliminated from future sam- rected in § 141.32(a).
(c) The requirements of this § 141.22
pling because of a history of questionable
water quality, Check samples shail not he shall not apply to public water systems

formation, and then at least at weekly

intervals during the period of time the
maximum contaminant level for that
substance has been exceeded, or until a
monitoring schedule as a condition to a
variance, exemption or enforcement action shall become effective. The results of
_such repetitive testing shall be averaged
and reported as prescribed in paragraph
(d) of this section.
(d) To judge the compliance of a public water system with the maximum contaminant levels listed in § 141.11, averages of data shall be used and shall be
rounded to the same numberof significant figures as the maximum contaminant level for the substance in question.
Each average shall be calculated on a
past 12-month moving average basis if
less than twelve samples per year are
analyzed, and on a past three month
moving average basis if twelve or more
samples per year are analyzed. In cases
where the maximum contaminant level
has been exceeded in any one sample, the
average concentration shall be calcu-

other than community water systems

lated on @ one-month moving average

mine compliance with § 141.15.
(d) When a particular sampling point , § 141.23
Inorganic chemical sampling
has been confirmed, by the first check
* and analytical requirements.
Sample examined as directed in para- .
(a) (1) To establish an initial record
graphs (c) (1), (2), or (3) of this section, to be in non-compliance with the of water quality, an analysis of submaximum contaminant levels set forth stances for the purpose of determining
in § 141.15, the supplier of water shall compliance with § 141.111 shall be comnotify the State as prescribed in § 141.31. pleted for all community water systems
utilizing surface water sources within
(e) When the maximum contaminant
one year following the effective date of
- levels set forth in paragraphs (a) (1) or this subpart. This analysis shall be re(2) of § 141.15 are exceeded as confirmed peated at yearly intervals.
(2) An analysis for communtly water
by check samples taken pursuant to paragraphs (c) (1), (2), or (3) of this sec- systems utilizing ground water sources

pursuartt to § 141.32(a).
(e) The provisions of pararraphs (c)
and (d) of this section notwithstanding,
compliance with the maximum contaminant level for nitrate shall be determincd on the basis of individual analyses
rather than by averages. When a level
exceeding the maximum contaminant
level for nitrate is found, the analyses
shall be repented within 24 hours, and if
the mean ofthe two analyses excceds the

included in calculating the total number

of samples taken each month to deter-


basis and reported pursuant to § 141.31.
If the mean of the samples comprising
the one month moving average exceeds
the maximum contaminant Ievel, the

which use water obtained from underground sources.

supplier of water shall give public notice .



Select target paragraph3