exposure rates plus some spot sampling of soile, ground waters, food such as coconuts and errow root, fish, birds, and land animals--rats, and
coconut crabs. This sampling program was not designed with the objective
of being a basis for making a decision as to whether or not the natives
could properly be returned to the Island with or without restrictions
for specific: corrective measures being undertaken first; nevertheless,
it provided a good basis for discussion. The data indicated that the
Island of Enyu at the SE corner of the atoll contained the least radioactivity from the standpoint of tolerable external exposure and in plante
and edible food samples. However, it was felt that the land area of Enyu
was too small to sustain a coconut economy program for 200¢ people.
More area than Enyu alone is felt necessary. If this island were considerably larger there was every possibility that one might safetly return
the whole group there. The largest land area is the Island of Bikini.
Unfortunately, the Island of Bikini's external dose rate euggests an

accumulated dose 3 ft. above ground slightly higher (by less than a
factor of 2) than the 500 millirads per year considered acceptable for
individuals by the FRC under ordinary circumstances.

The 1964 survey data indicated that certain foods were contaminated to
some degree and some relatively free of contamination. Pandanas was
relatively high but the few samples available were not appreciably higher
than at Rongelap.

The coconuts, edible parts including meat and juice,

contained tolerable levels of strontium-90 and cesium on both Bikini and
Enyu Islands; arrow root corms would probably also not be a problem. The
one coconut crab sample from Bikini was quite high in strontium-90 as
|. are coconut crabs at Rongelap, but there seemed to be very few on the atoll.
.The Island of Namu which has very sparse re-growth of bushy vegetation

except on the periphery of the Island has apparently become quite spontaneously a bird sanctuary with thousands of nesting birds. Shore birds
at Namu and elsewhere around the atoll had quite high levels of cesium
and could constitute a problem for persons leaning heavily on these for
their dietary intake.
It became obvious a decision regarding the advisability of returning the
natives to Bikini was not going to be a simple one, although it was agreed
that the radiation levels per se did not outrightly preclude sending the
people back. A consensus feeling was that it may be possible; nevertheless, there would have to be some restrictions on their activities and/or
specified countermeasures taken prior to their return,

Dr. Conard pointed out that he and the Medical Survey Group would be
going to Rongelap the end of February for a medical check-up on the
people and that the Trust Territory vessel would probably be available
for a’ group to go to Bikini either then or about March 15. Mr. Milner
indicated that this indeed was a likely possibility although he would
y HQ at Guam.
have to check with the Trust Territor


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