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From mid-February to the end of March the techniques of
rearing a marine flat fish, Parophrys vetulis, in non-cireulating
salt water aquaria were studied.
Best results were obtained by placing one fish to an aquarium.

The size of the fish ranged from 133-147 mm,

‘The aquaria used were

6" x 11 3/4" x 8 and were set in a hatchery trough with running
water for cooling, During April the temperature. was 52 - 53°F,
Air was bubbled through the water in each aquarium by means of a
Marco air pump with a scarberundum tip at the terminus of each air

This was the only means of circulating the water,

not changed during April,

Water was

Also added to each aquarium was sand,

either one mssel (Mytilus edulis) or one clam (Macoma secta), ons
shoot of eel grass and one small bit of algae, Ulva sp..


wmineed clam was apparentlya satisfactory food and was preferred
to several others offered,


By the first of April it was believed that knowledge of caring
for these animals was sufficient to conduct an experiment.

aquaria as described above were available.


In aquarium #2 the

sand was replaced with active Bikini mud that had been ground in
a particle grimier.

It would have bean well to have had @ control

aquariom for #2 with non-active Bikini mad ground te the same fineness but such was not available.

This was not a food experiment

bat an experiment to observe the effect of the md upon a fish.
The fish was fed and cared for in the same manner as those in the
other aquaria,

Since flatfish are bottom dwellers and usually spend

a great deal of their tine burried in the bottom, always 50% and as mich
as 95% of the surface of the fish was in direct contact with the mad,
Counts of the Bikini mud uncorrected for self absorption and


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