




geometry of the counter (about 15%) were approximately 10,000 per ainute

per gram, Readings on the Victorsen survey meter, Model 263, of the
mad after it was placed in the aquaria, but before the water was re~-

placed were as high as 12,5 on the 1 scale which is roughly translated to 8 r per day.

Two days after the aud was added to the

aquarium, April 3rd, some md could stili be seen in suspension
in the water.

A 5 ml. sample of water at that time gave a count

of 5 per minute uncorrected for geometry (approximately15%).


The flatfish placed in the Bikini mud aquarium on April ist
died on April 7th.

Ashed samples of the gill, macle, skin,

bone, digestive tract gave no count above background. This fish fed
the first three days tt not the last four,

The suspension of the

fine mad particles in the water probably was a factor causing


The dead fish was immedi ately replaced by one from the

supply tank and has fed regularly since then to the present, (May 3rd).

By April 10th the water in aquarium #2 was clear,

This may be

due in part to the fast that the clam placed in the aquarium at the
same time as the fish died on April 9th,
digestive tract were ashed and counted,

Clam samplea of gill and
There was no count in the

gill sample and about 5 counts per gram in the digestive tract sample

which could have been due to particles of md in the digestive tract
rather than activity in the tissues,

The clam was not replaced,

The alga, Ulva sp., commonly known as sea lettuce, that was

placed in aquarium #2 on April lst was removed and counted for
activity on April 23rd.

It was mostly covered with Bikini mud so

was washed and rinsed several times to remove all md particles,
This was done by washing carefully by hand under running water.


Select target paragraph3