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Y. LEVY et al.
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a powerful tool for revealing the exact distribution patterns of alpha emitters in the

Origins of Radioactive Fall-out
Geochim. cosmochim. Acta 18, 42.


range analyzed. Using the method in con-

Ba74_ Banard L. A., Macintyre [.G. and Pierce

to different matrices within the coral skeleton
and structure, leading to better understanding
of the factors which lead to the concentration
of not only alpha emitters but trace elements
as Well in corals.

cisco, CA.
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that it is possible to assign the alpha activity

Acknowledgements —Several
dynamic conversations concerning thin section
petrography and interpretations were held with J.

Carew, F. Ricart,W.Goter and P. Bretsky, which
were most helpful. The thin sections of coral provided by F. Ricart were of outstanding help. David
Van Voorhis is thanked for his great patience in

counting of tracks.
Critical review of the manuscript by R. L.

Fleischer, S. Katz, and H. Clark is appreciated.
This research program is supported by the
Division of Biomedical and Environmental
Research of U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration through Contract No. E(1I-



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