Y. LEVY et al.


ot obtained

the alpha

trations by

ms cut per-

for 30 days
rs exposed
e following
n the 1954—
‘ntrated in
: damaged
ire (Figs. 3,
the coral
years 1954

n? (Fig. 3).

on detecth sections

800 pCi/g

ed chalky
the coral.
720 pCi/g
'54 growth

1 of alpha

the coral
onship bethe alpha
éctions of
slabs cut

me gatle

st year at
t possible
juring cut-

A egRR

gnates the

an oe

1 region of
: using the
yut it was
efore 1954.

location of sections a, b and c (reflected light).

by using a
d contained
No75). Celectly to the

Fic. 2. Photograph of surface of coral Favites virens slab with outline of area analyzed and

tector to a

Select target paragraph3