Trip Report


On Tuesday, January 30, Chuck Otterman, Hugh Pratt and I met at 11:00a
to continue discussions.
Pratt said that when we met in Bill Stanley's
office on January 8 there was no mention that the barges were not on
the vessel.
I said that we still felt we could get the barges and
the Liktanur II to Kwajalein soon enough to mount them.
The barges
went to Kwajalein all in good time but the Liktanur II was delayed
because of bad weather,
We are now in a situation not of our own
making, where it will take about 14 days to prepare and mount the
Otterman then brought up the concept of building a raft and
basing it as a platform under the gangway of the ship.
Pratt said that a 2-week delay would cause a scrub of the mission
because of both the TT and U.S. doctors' commitments,
Pratt was very
upset and asked me to sign a piece of paper whereby I would take
personal responsibility for the safety of the patients.
I told him
that that was an absurd request and had no relevance to our discussion
about getting people on and off the ship and we should calm down and
return to a rational discussion of options and alternatives.
I then
suggested to both Otterman and Pratt that it was my recommendation

as DOE Representative that we target to leave as close to Friday,
February 2, schedule as possible, and we should use the raft concept.
I noted that even though we were obviously having problems among
the three of us that we should keep cool and we should keep close
communications since we were all working to have a safe and productive
mission for the people of Rongelap and Utirik. We agreed to meet
again at 5:00p.
I then went to Don McAfee and told him that our pilot was sick and
asked if Global would be willing to make Paul LaPointe available for
the trip were he to be interested.
Don said he would check with his
Oakland office and with COL Reeve because of potential insurance
Problems, etc.
I saw LaPointe on the way to the ship and told him
that, but he said that he was not interested because DOE was not fair

to him after they had worked so hard for DOE.
his views and left.

I told him I respected

At 5:00pm I met with Dr. Pratt, Bill Scott, Mr. Otterman, and
Jan Kocian of U.S. Oceanography.
The discussions were
Otterman suggested cutting off his gangway and building
very cordial.
a raft under it as a stable platform.
Hugh Pratt liked the idea and
also wanted something for the beach.
We agreed we should keep trying
for a Friday departure.
Bill Scott's experience was a big help
at this meeting.
We had repeatedly been told by Dr. Pratt of the
dangerous surf conditions at the islands.

When Scott arrived we

learned (andconfirmed later by experience at the worst time of year)
that there is a small chop in the trades and it presents no problem.

Select target paragraph3