
Trip Report


We brought our child for medical treatment and she didn't get
free treatment like we get.
PL 5-52 says descendents are covered but the agreement between
DOE and TTPI does not cover them, PL 7-116 affords them coverage
if future medical findings so dictate.


HUB: Even if the TT law "collapses" the DOE agreement will not,
and when the Marshalls separate DOE is prepared to enter into
@ new agreement with the new government.


There is too much confusion with the TT law and the agreement.
Why not forget the Congress of Micronesian (COM) law because
COM has already collapsed.

Maybe you should stop examining us until you decide to include
our kids in compensation.



We didn't even see thyroids for 10 years,
It takes time
to find these things.
If we find things down the road they will
be compensated.

Personally I think it would not be a good idea to not
receive the medical care and checkups.
BNL is looking very
hard and if ever

there is any evidence that there is a problem


We plan to conduct blood tests in the future and have
in past which will show up any problems.


How can you tell if the kids have a problem unless you examine

If children are referred to Tripler, or Majuro or Ebeye, do they
get per diem.



with the kids it is guaranteed they will be included.

HUB: No, but TT will send them and if they can't afford to pay
they don't have to.
If the mother or relative goes as an escort
she gets per diem in Honolulu.


Thank you for meeting with us although we are not completely satisfied.
Our body has been used for study. Someday I hope our bodies will be
given back to us and buried on our own soil.

I then closed the meeting with our thanks for the fine attendance, stating
that we understood and shared their problems and that DOE and Brookhaven
are working very hard to solve them.
The DOE is committed to keep working
on the problems created by this accident and will fully meet its responsibilities.

Select target paragraph3